An annual April experiment in creating a Fake Journal~ FAKE: pretend, simulate; counterfeit; to alter.manipulate.
or treat as to impart a false character or appearance.

A fun exercise in pretending to be someone else, maybe in an alternate universe!

Saturday, April 7, 2018

I Know It's Frumpy...

A Pocket page in the journal I'm using. Pre-printed
background on the back of the pocket.

"Translating the Inevitable"
is the tagline/theme
for the 2018
Fake Journal. (provided by the project
originator, Roz Stendahl) It's an added
layer for interpretation. 

And a fake journal cannot be written
or drawn by an animal or a thing. 
You've got to have hands for writing
and drawing, after all!


  1. OK, now I feel like a fool after asking all those silly questions in the beginning. I must be frumpy, too, because I sleep in clothes similar to that night gown you drew. Are you sure you're not channeling ME (grin)?

  2. Starting to think you are writing about yourself in the last years of your life.....?

  3. Your drawing is so wonderful. I love the frumpy gown. It's so real. You're creating a fake life that is very real-to-life.

    I've had the same feeling as Diana - that this might be you as an old woman. Gosh, that would be painful to draw and think so much about for an entire month. The old woman has lost her husband, yet keeps his cane. Now she needs a cane herself and the doctors just give her numbers. You've got my imagination spinning ;-)
