An annual April experiment in creating a Fake Journal~ FAKE: pretend, simulate; counterfeit; to alter.manipulate.
or treat as to impart a false character or appearance.

A fun exercise in pretending to be someone else, maybe in an alternate universe!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Keep Drawing



  1. wow... good to lead me to your other blog! i´m totally impressed - but no wonder, i admire your skills drawing in the techo as well!
    have a great month with this challenge!

  2. Whoever she is, I'm liking her already. Beautiful hand drawing. Yes, an old hand can be beautiful, especially when it can still do wonderful things - like draw.

  3. Not sure how I missed this, but I am glad I checked in. Still a bit confused about the clue "translating the Inevitable." Somehow I'm not following, at least not yet.

  4. catching up on your fake journal and I am enjoying your pages a lot. It's fun to think about being someone else and thinking about what they would draw, isn't it? Happy rest of your weekend. Hugs-Erika
